I have recently discovered that there are some features in the new Mac OS Lion that I am not satisfied with, so I went online and tried to figure out how to downgrade my iMac back to Snow Leopard. I found that many people had difficulty in explaining how to do this, so I found a simple solution.
Instruction on how to downgrade from the new Lion OS back to the Snow Leopard OS
- Make sure you have a backup of all of your data (I used a 1 TB Seagate Go Flex)
- Plug in a wired keyboard. (You need to use a keyboard that plugs into your computer because the wireless keyboard will not work when trying to select your start-up drive in step 4.)
- Insert your Snow Leopard install CD.
- Restart your computer and hold down the Option key (this will bring up the start-up disk selection screen)
- Follow the onscreen instruction and start the new install (it can take up to an hour, so be patient)
If this article helped you with your issue, please post a reply below. I hope this helps, and if you discover a better way or a flaw in my instructions above, please post a reply below so that we can help those in need.